Enter in a world of sensations...

Enter in a world of sensations !

Waiting for your visit at:

Avenida Diogo Leite, 154
4410 - Vila Nova de Gaia

GPS | Lat. 41º8´15.58"N
| Long. 8º36´47.55"W

What is a "Colheita" Port ?

Colheita (Tawny Port from a single high quality harvest, it requires seven years in cask, as a minimum aging before the botlling. Elegant, with a nutty and amber color, dry fruits aromas... gaining more complexity if left in oak casks).

Our Colheita 1985 has been aging in small french oak casks, on the palate it presents a nutty taste, honey and vannila..unctous and jamy...better when tasted about 14º to 16º.

A true commitment for the present and a continuous promisse of cask aging.

Port pairing / delicious combinations

A delicious combination of Dalva Colheita 1967 paired with Chufas de Foie Gras.
Ingredients: Foie Gras | Horchata | Trufles, Colheita 1967 reduction and Cocoa.

Question: What is Horchata de Chufa?
"Horchata is a popular, refreshing drink consumed in Spain during the hot summers. It is made from the tubers of the nut sedge plant and in Spanish these are called chufas, hence the name horchata de chufa. Horchata has a white, milky appearance and is served ice cold."
A delicious combination of Dalva LBV 2005 paired with Tiramisú made with figs, fresh cheese, LBV 2005 reduction and almond ice cream.

DALVA Ports - unique sensations !

Gourmet weekends 2011

Next weekend (May 29 and 28) will run an initiative promoted by the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, Gaia Tourism and Tourism of Porto, northern Portugal.

Promoting not only typical dishes, as well as boosting the local activities and the national symbol ... the Port wine.

"In Gaia drink a Port ..."

C. Silva will sponsor this initiative, offering Ports DALVA for tasting at the following restaurants:

Dom Marisco
Av. Gago Coutinho, 792 – Francelos
4405-709- Vila Nova de Gaia
Tel. (+351) 227 623 207 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (+351) 227 623 207      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Parque da Aguda
Av. Gomes Guerra
4410-467- Arcozelo Vila Nova de Gaia
Tel. (+351) 227 622 929 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (+351) 227 622 929      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Peixe na Brasa
Av. João Paulo II, 520
4410-406- Arcozelo Vila Nova de Gaia
Tel.(+351) 914 083 178 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (+351) 914 083 178      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Quinta da Boucinha
Av. Vasco da Gama
4430-341– Vila Nova de Gaia
Tel. 227 827 764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              227 827 764      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

The first Port wine cellar with a gourmet selection

In C. SILVA we invest in research processes and production of new Port styles, with a broader vision that led us to the invitations of renowned chefs of our national cuisine, as Miguel Castro Silva and Rui Paula.

A latent need in the Port Wines market produced to combine with entrees and desserts, with a total reciprocity of flavors and aromas... special lots, with a production limited to 500 bottles.

DALVA Miguel Castro Silva - During 20 years, Miguel Castro Silva has participated in Port wine tastings, experiencing combinations with this nectar, always trying to depart from the classical dessert.

After an extensive tasting discovering the vast stock on Wine C. SILVA, arises the idea of creating a White Port with dry and open profile, thought to act as a balm, with a unique structure and color, an amber color with golden tints, highlights its potential when tasted with foie gras, orange cake and diverse entries based on tuna.

Thought to taste at the table, but not only, DALVA Miguel Castro Silva shows qualities of a Port wine thought to a simple tasting, served between 12º to 14º as a entree before a meal.

DALVA Colheita 1967 Rui Paula - The first question that may arise to our readers is 1967... why?

This question has an intuitive answer, was considered an excellent year for Port ... but besides being his first Port blend, this harvest has a special meaning for Rui Paula, because it was his year of birth.

The selection was made based on the best wines of 1967 aging since then in French oak barrels.

Characterized by an enormous complexity of flavors, an irreverent acidity, establishing a perfect relationship with figs and ripe apricots “wrapped” in toffe.

Primeira Cave de Vinho do Porto com Vinhos de autor

Na C. da SILVA investimos em processos de investigação e produção de novos estilos de Vinho do Porto. Numa visão mais alargada surgiram os convites a reputados “Chefs” da nossa gastronomia nacional, como Miguel Castro Silva e Rui Paula.

Uma necessidade latente no mercado em apresentar Vinhos do Porto pensados para o acompanhamento de entradas e sobremesas mais requintadas, com uma total reciprocidade de sabores e aromas, apresentam lotes especiais, com produção limitada a 500 garrafas.

DALVA Lote Miguel Castro Silva - há cerca de 20 anos que Miguel Castro Silva tem participado em degustações de Vinho do Porto, experimentando ligações com o mesmo néctar e tentando sempre afastar as clássicas sobremesa e pós-sobremesa.

Após uma extensa degustação á descoberta do vasto stock nas Adegas de C. da SILVA, surge a ideia de criar um Vinho do Porto Branco com perfil seco e aberto, pensado para funcionar como um bálsamo. Com uma estrutura e cor únicas, âmbar com matizes douradas, evidencia todo o seu potencial quando degustado com foie-gras, bolo de laranja e entradas diversas com base em atum.

Pensado para degustar á mesa, mas não só, Lote Miguel Castro Silva evidencia qualidades de um Vinho do Porto pensado para uma degustação simples, servida entre 12ºC a 14ºC como entrada a uma refeição.

DALVA Colheita 1967 Rui Paula - A primeira questão que pode surgir aos nossos leitores será… porquê 1967?

Esta pergunta tem uma resposta intuitiva, foi considerado um ano de excelência para o Vinho do Porto…porém além de ser o seu primeiro “blend ” de Vinho do Porto, esta “Colheita” tem um significado especial para Rui Paula, pois foi o seu ano de nascimento.

A selecção foi feita com base nos melhores Vinhos de 1967, repousando desde então em pipas de carvalho francês.

Caracterizado por uma enorme complexidade de sabores, tem como tónico uma acidez irreverente estabelecendo uma relação perfeita com os figos  e damascos maduros “embrulhados” pelo toffe.

International Wine Challenge 2011


International Wine Challenge 2011

C. da Silva winners of the International Wine Challenge 2011:
DALVA Golden White 1952 (Gold Medal)
“ Fantastically balanced with flavours of nuts, orange peel, sweet spice and caramel. It's complex, exciting, delicious and really intense. Perfect with Dundee Cake.”
DALVA Vintage 2008 (Silver Medal)


Some herbal notes on the nose with good underlying chewy blackberry fruit.

International Wine Challenge 2011


International Wine Challenge 2011

 Os Vinhos do Porto C. da Silva premiados no International Wine Challenge 2011:

DALVA Golden White 1952 (Medalha de ouro)

" Equilíbrio fantástico, com sabores de nozes, casca de laranja, especiarias doces e caramelo.
É complexo, excitante, delicioso e muito intenso. Perfeito com Dundee Cake ".

DALVA Vintage 2008 (Medalha de prata)

" Algumas notas vegetais, salientando as amoras persistentes."

The Golden Whites Mith

Dalva Golden White 1963 ...a normal winter and a cold and rainy spring, with a very dry and hot summer with some rain before the harvest time.
In September the days were very hot and warm nights, a perfect weather for the harvest.
Strong wines, with a lot of tanins and amazing color.
These were the weather conditions that allowed this o...utstanding Dalva Golden White 1963 production, a mythical Vintage year !
With a very fashionable good looking 50cl bottle and simple presentation...elegance !

Greenish tints when balancing the glass, rich in aromatics, dry fruits, figs jam, molasses...sweet.
With a long silky aftertaste, that fulfill the mouth.
In C. da Silva Port House/tasting room we´re proud to offer the tasting in the official Port wine glass designed in 2001, by the most prestigious portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira, and produced by Schott Zwiesel.
This official Port glass has about 227ml capacity... that is also the double of the regular glass used for Port or liqueurs. About 50ml is the perfect amount, to enhance the richness of the "bouquet".

DALVA Port Wines - Expovinis 2011


DALVA Port Wines - Expovinis 2011

C. da Silva | 05-05-2011

C. da Silva passes with distinction in the presentation of the DALVA Port Wines in Expovinis, São Paulo, Brazil.

The Expovinis is the biggest wine event in all Latin America, an important worldwide show window, being listed as one of the ten most important events in the world, "Wine business."

This year, between 26 to 28 April was attended by over 350 exhibitors representing a total of 25 countries (South Africa, Angola, Argentina, Germany, Australia, Bolivia, Green Cape, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Korea, Spain , United States, France, England, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Venezuela and Uruguay).

C. da Silva conquered the attention of all who have proved and approved, with maximum score and unforgettable experiences ... but because genuine opinions are without doubt the most important:

"...My greatest surprise, the highlight of Expovinis: A Portuguese producer called DALVA, who called himself as" Distinctive Port", something like "Ports with distinction" or unique, special Ports.

"The third wine was the culmination, the climax: the Dalva Golden White Colheita 1963. A white with a strong amber color that seemed a red! Round, pleasant ... a unique experience!”
Source: Enodeco

"To finish the Expovinis, the Best Wine for many, Porto Dalva Golden White 1963, a blessing of the gods in the form of liquid. Those nectars that more than being drunk and sniffed, should be licked while on our knees, we thank the blessing and privilege to be able to taste a few ounces of this elixir."
Source: Falando de Vinhos  

"Porto Dalva 63 - Gold!"

"And now a Port from 1952. Amazing!!"
Source: VInhos de Corte

"The wine I liked best in Expovinis. A wine that deserves 100."

“papodevinho.blogspot followers know that I don´t give points in wine tastings, but which kind of score should have a perfect wine?”
Source: Papo de Vinho

“In one of the Expovinis stands I had the rare opportunity to taste a DALVA Port wine from 1963, it was a remarkable moment in my life…”
Source: Apotheca Vinhos

"Mission accomplished, DALVA... a Worldwide benchmark!"
Source: C. da Silva