La Martiniquaise

A traditional Port wine firm founded in 1862 under the name Correa Ribeiro & Filhos, but it was in 1957 that the Company´s registration has been changed to: C. da Silva (Vinhos) S.A.

The Company has been family owned till 1980, after Mr. Clemente da Silva´s death, the family has decided to sell the Company, that has been bought by the spanish group Nueva Rumasa.

In 2007 it has been bought again by Gran Cruz Porto (1st worldwide), making part of La Martiniquaise (2nd Spiritis Group in France).
La Martiniquaise ownes Porto Cruz (leading product on the french market), and different spirits / brands, like:

Wiskies: Label 5
               Glen Turner
               Old Virginia
               Sam Barton
Port wine:
                Porto Cruz
Madeira wine:
                Justino Henriques
White Spirits:
                 Poliakov Vodka
                 Gibson´s Gin
                 Tiscaz Tequila
                 Anis Gras

The creation of La Martiniquaise has began in 1934, its prime activity was the importation and the distribution of Rum. After World War II the boom of this Company, the founder Mr. Jean Cayard started innovating and diversifying the range of products.

Nowadays, La Martiniquaise is a Company with international dimension, that has now nearly 1500 employees, 18 ageing centers, 15 subsidiaries and 165 millions of bottles on ageing stock, being the leading Company Worlwide for Port wine, Madeira, Rum of the Antilles, Armagnac and Calvados.

As an independent Group of Companies the lemma is the full dedication to offer the best quality available to all.         

Gonçalo Devesas

C. da Silva or DALVA ?

A very important issue that needs to be clarified…

During this last year that C. da SILVA opened the Port and Douro wine shop, many people have been making these questions:

“Do you have a new brand… C. da SILVA ? I have only heard about DALVA."
“Are you changing the name of the brand from DALVA to C. da SILVA ?"
"The reason of a rebranding and new packaging is related with this change ?"

Well C. da SILVA (VINHOS) SA is our Company´s trading registry, although this Company was founded in 1862, under the name Corrêa Ribeiro e Filhos and carried the seal bearer of long time supplier to the Royal House.

But as a result of reasons lost in time, Mr. Clemente da SILVA (the founder) opted between 1933 and 1957 for changing the Company´s name.

C. da SILVA´s (VINHOS) SA major brand is DALVA, a name whose origin lies in the founder´s surname DA si LVA.

Therefore in the rebranding, below the bottles neck,  the first symbol (Mr. Clemente da SILVA side view) followed by the words (C. da SILVA), then our lemma "Distinctive Port" and the Company´s brand name... DALVA.

PRESIDENTIAL...another brand owned by C. da Silva (Vinhos) SA, that has been created for Export markets, like United States of America, Germany, Spain...

The same Port wine as in DALVA bottles but different presentation and packaging.

Gonçalo Devesas

A Charismatic Port Wine Cellar

C. da Silva (Vinhos) S.A. is a traditional Port wine Cellar, established in 1862, under portuguese registration (Corrêa Ribeiro & Filhos), and as carried the seal of long time supplier to the Portuguese Royal House.

Driven by the ambition of creating a sucessful export business, Mr. Clemente da Silva, a portuguese young man that had just arrived from Brazil in 1933.

Mr. Clemente da Silva inherited the Company through his marriage and has fulfilled a lifetime dream by starting the business from scratch, as well as the initial Port wine reserves, doing it according to his own expectations.

The Founder... Mr. Clemente da Silva

In 1957 the Company´s registration has been changed for: C. da Silva (Vinhos) S.A.

The Company has been family owned till 1980, after Mr. Clemente da Silva´s death, the family has decided to sell the Company, that has been bought by the spanish group Nueva Rumasa.

In 2007 it has been bought again by Gran Cruz Porto (1st worldwide), making part of La Martiniquaise (2nd Spiritis Group in France).

Since the very beginning that the main goal of this visionary man was the uniqueness of the Port and filling the niche of the Port wine sector.
Our most prestigious Ports on that time: DALVA Rare Old Vintage 1896; DALVA Vintage 1917;

Currently, our most prestigious Ports: DALVA Vintage 1970; DALVA Golden White 1952 and DALVA Golden White 1963.
Nowadays it as the most beautiful headquarters of the Port wine trade, a 18th century mansion surrounded by 10,000 square meters of warehouses, that has been owned by the family, it as been renewed, but mantaining the same façades and the historical tiles, the spring... the 18th century brazilian style.

C. da Silva´s headquarters, a Mansion dated from the 18th century

Currently C. da Silva is internationaly recognized for the quality of its Ports, namely a wide range of White Ports and Colheita "Single Harvest Tawny), showing all the respect of a dedicated staff and a passionated Managenement.
2900 seasoned french oak pipes (250 ltrs to 750 ltrs)
Gonçalo Devesas

C. da Silva´s Port & Wine shop... a dream come true.

The first days of a mandatory place...C. da Silva Port & Wine shop, testing everything, filling the shelves... it was the 2010 summer countdown.

The beginning...
Nowadays...nothing could ever be more rewarding than seeing delighted people coming back this 2011 summer for more C. da Silva experiences.

C. da Silva Port wine shop is located in the heart of the historical area of Vila Nova de Gaia, in the main avenue along the Douro river.

A stylish concept
C. da Silva Port wine shop is a stylish and comfortable space with an elegant décor and relaxed atmosphere, ideal for wine tastings

We offer you an exceptional range of Ports to taste. All the wines are available to take home, or otherwise , we can deliver it for you!

Interested in knowing more about Port ?

One of the many C. da Silva experiences
Visit us, we´re waiting for you! Parking facilities nearby.

Gonçalo Devesas