Logistics and storage center

Gran Cruz group, which sells annually, 25 million bottles of Port, Madeira and Douro wine in more than 50 countries, is now investing 14 million euros in the Douro Valley . Six million were invested in a new vinification center in Alijó, although not yet formally opened, was already operating in the latest harvest. Still under construction another project, a logistics center storage, also in Alijó, which will be ready in June 2014 and representing an investment of eight million euros.

The new winery has a capacity of vinification of about nine thousand pipes, from which six thousand of port wine . This corresponds to only 20 % of the annual needs of the group . The group doesn´t own any vineyards - the Martiniquaise group, owner of Grand Cruz , has sold many years ago the only estate owned the Douro - the average business purchases of Gran Cruz are between 30,000 to 32,000 barrels.
Jorge Dias, Managing Director of Gran Cruz group
We produce in our own wineries and leased about 50 % of it - purchasing grapes from 3,600 winemakers - and the remaining 50 % is acquired on wine cellars and other producers in the region," explained Jorge Dias, the Managing director of Gran Cruz.
The group consists of seven companies - the Grand Cruz, the biggest export company of port wine worldwide with 10 million bottles annually, the Companhia União of Port Wine and Madeira, C. da Silva and Gran Cruz Turismo at Vila Nova de Gaia; Vale S. Martinho, in the Douro valley, Justinos and Henriques & Henriques, Madeira wine - and has a consolidated annual turnover of 70 million euros. The Madeira wine corresponds to 28 million bottles sold annually."

Devotion and passion

Usually the young Port wines are kept in Quinta dos Avidagos, our vinification center (located in Alvações do Corgo, close to Régua - the Douro valley) for their first winter before being brought down the Douro river, where the lower temperatures and higher humidity is better for the Port´s maturation.

In our Cellars with 10,000 square meters, the Port matures in very old seasoned oak casks called pipas (pipes).
During this amazing aging process it will be tasted regularly by our winemakers or oenologues, to assess its quality.

Our Ports will gradually mellow in an oxidative process "angels share", with this process (Tawny Port) we are losing about 2% to 3% of Port annualy, achieving a nutty and amber hue and an incredible taste based in dry fruits shell, toffee, cigar box, coffee, stewed figs, bitter chocolate hints... softness and an elegant delayed after taste.

Since 1862 that C. da Silva, a traditional Port wine House, has been driven by the ambition of presenting the higher quality, namely for the "Colheita" and Aged Tawnies.

Devotion and passion a full time commitment

The Aged Tawny matures in oak for long and variable periods of time, in which the age indicated on the label corresponds to the approximate average of several Colheita Port wines in the blend.
Highlighting its long aging in seasoned oak, the Tawny with thirty or over fourty years old will present a golden color with greenish tints, evolving, reaching a bouquet which brings out the very complex aroma.

Depending on the desire to preserve Port´s longevity in the bottle, or for immediate consumption, it is very important to know the temperature range, bottling date and recommended storage period after opening.

Above all, you should not feel shy and do it relaxed when it comes the time to enjoy the extraordinary range of DALVA´s Port wines.

Oak barrels how crucial are they ?

Traditionally, fortified wines are aged in oak barrels, which are generally seasoned.
The influence of the barrel can be seen as: the origin of the wood and the techniques used for fabrication of the barrel, such as duration and method of drying the wood after cutting, burning intensity, during the assembly and cleaning the barrel before use. The size of the barrel also affects the aging, according to the permeability and more contact with the wood due to the smaller size.

 Aging of old barrel aged Ports in oak barrels, requires a very slow and long process.
The oxygen, which penetrates through the pores of the wood, participates in oxidation reactions, interfering with the aroma and taste of the Port.

The oxidation percentage may vary from 2 % (if the Port is aged at the Cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia) to 6 % per year (if the Port is aged at the Douro Valley, by the smaller and independent producers), depending on the conditions of temperature and humidity of the local.
The alcohol and water do not evaporate at the same rate due to the different degree of volatility. In a humid environment, the alcohol evaporates more easily. In dry enviroments, water evaporates in a higher quantity. A place of more humid aging usually is favorable for obtaining refined Ports.

The strong aroma of alcohol will change to a more subtle aromas with notes of wood, especially vanilla and finally getting a nice complexity.

The quality of the oak it´s also very important – french oak is considered the best one, but the Port barrels can still be made of portuguese  american and hungarian oak or chestnut, but for our Port maturation we only use seasoned french oak, and recently hungarian.

 To make  a first quality barrel you need to wait one century for the tree to grow and 3 years more to smoke and dried it, it´s the reason that normally the flavor of caramel is easy to pick in a tawny ( small amounts of sugar in the oaks cells ), normally when we are thinking about buying a 30y old tawny, a Over 40y old tawny or even a old Colheita ( single year tawny ) and we consider the price expensive, it´s always very important, to keep in mind some of the highest quality factors...
The emblematic coopers room at C. da Silva´s cellar.
Nowadays a slice of C. da Silva´s history...where we keep the old staves, the cooper´s tools, the fire place used to smoke and reduce the thickness of the french oak casks...

C. da Silva´s coopers room

From the thickness of the wood to the braces that mould the staves, one of the secrets of our wines lays in the barrels that store the Port wine, handcrafted by wise cooper masters.

Toasting the french oak casks

The fortification planning

Due to the massive success of Port wine in the first half of the 18th century, that led lots of grape growers out of the Douro region, to use their grapes for Port Wine production changing its quality and because of  the difficulty in territorial planning, in 1756 the Prime Minister “Marques de Pombal” restricted the Douro Valley region with 335 milestones, distributed along 250.000 hec.

Making it the oldest defined and protected wine region in the world. Nowadays in the Douro Valley we have 45700 hect cultivated, from wich 33000 hect are suitable for Port Wine and 39100 grape growers.

In 1932 the Casa do Douro, an Association of vintners, they had the mission of registering all the planted plots in the Douro.
In 1948, a very important person, an Agronomist, mr. Moreira da Fonseca, used the info collected during decades as well as the data of the quantity and quality of the different sub regions.
He has created a classification method, based in three major factors: soil; weather conditions and type of plantation.

Each vine/hectare gets points based in:

Soil: schistous soil; quantity of shale; slope gradient; yield;
Weather conditions: exposure; altitude; shelter; location; pre-marked localities;
Type of plantation:  grape varietals; type of planting; age of the vines;

  • A –  over 1200 points
  • B –  from 1001 to 1200
  • C –  from 801 to 1000
  • D –  from 601 to 800
  • E –  from 401 to 600
  • F –  from 201 to 400
  • G – from 1 to 200
  • H – from  -200 to 0
  • I – from  -400 to -201
The Instituto dos Vinhos do Porto e do Douro, has the annual task of presenting the maximum of Port Wine to produce, according to the variation of the market, sales and Wine reserves, for instance in 2011 was 85000 barrels (85000 x 550 liters) the same as 46.750.000 liters.

The quantity of must for fortification per hectare, in 2010:

  • A – 2.043 liters
  • B – 2.010 liters
  • C – 1.859 liters
  • D – 1.818 liters
  • E – 1.573 liters
  • F – 684 liters
  • G – 0
  • H – 0
  • I  – 0
The Moreira da Fonseca method is a very important contribute, once that each Port and Douro Wine producer knows how many liters may produce per hectare, according to the Instituto dos Vinhos do Porto e do Douro.

Port wine... to the cask or to the bottle ?

There are two different families thanks to the hand of the winemaker, the Port wines that age in the cask and the ones that age in the bottle.

Very few common characteristics between these two categories, although they are both Ports, they may present superior quality but distinct styles.

This organization of Port wine is the result of the historical evolution of Port wine. It was not from the very beginning (XVIII century) that has been made this option of the different types that we now nowadays.

Curiosly, in the beginning of the Port wine history til the end of the XIX century, the importance of old Port wine aged in barrel was really low, the market was focused on young Ports, the Vintage Port, known in that time as "Novelty".

DALVA Vintage 2011
The old Ports were not appelatives for the bulk business and massive exportation, of course that the baseline of quality, the younger Ports, are the ones that offer a higger income for the Houses, in the other side of the scale we have the Ports that ensure the reputation and prestige, the Vintage and the old Tawnies and Colheitas with over 20 years old.

For instance the Tawny 10 years old, if you carefully check the price per bottle that most of the Port Houses sell it, we realise that the investiment on casks, the room space, the evaporation lost during that time and the costs with coopers are farway from reaching a considerable income.

Nowadays, a good still wine can easily reach a price of a Tawny 10 years old, however, the Aged Tawnies categorie is a "must have"... a mandatory type.

It is common to say that each Company has its own flagship, some opted for Ruby Reserve, others LBV combining the good relationship quality/price.

The old Tawnies will always have their niche of the market, especially the 20, 30 and over 40 years old, produced/bottled in smaller quantities.

In average, for a 30 years old Tawny, the anual bottling is about one to two casks of 550 liters.
This small quantity (when comparing with the White/Ruby/Tawny) ensures a great quality and reliability to the consumer.

Despite the price payed, it is clearly justified by the quality and enjoyment that this Ports must offer.

The unique old White Colheitas from DALVA
The last but not the least, the Colheita, a Single Harvest Tawny that is currently the other king of Port wines, representing 0,5% of the market, less than the Vintage (about 2%) it has gain a status that nowadays, some Houses are more focused on using it on Colheita than keeping it only for
the blend of 30 or over 40 years old Tawnies.

The backstage of a full Vintage Declaration

The backstage of classical or non classical "Vintage Port declaration":
The IVDP - Port Wine Institute controls and approves all the types of Port Wine released to the market. Each time that our company wants to bottle a different blend of any type of Port, samples need to be submited to both IVDP´s chemical analysis and blind tastings.
If all is according to what was planned, then we receive an approbation to bottle (ex. 4000 liters of Rosé Port).
Although for Vintage Port, the IVDP administers supplementary actions, being the Vintage the "king" (the highest quality) of Port wine.

The period that goes from January till June of the second year after the harvest, is when all the Houses / Port Companies should be ready to send the samples of their Vintage Ports.
By getting all the samples it will occurs then a blind tasting and several chemical analysis at the IVDP.
If the tasting profile matches the high standards for Vintage Port and if all is approved on the laboratory, IVDP will approve the batch for bottling. But the process will continue in a near future, in this particular case, immediately before the bottling.

The information of when the bottling takes place must be given to the IVDP, so that the IVDP inspectors can be at the bottling area or warehouse to count the number of bottled bottles and ensure that the quality is the same that has been tasted a few months ago at the IVDP facilities, for that they will collect five samples / bottles that will pass through the same IVDP´s certification process.

Then there is also a interesting subject that is the classic and non classic Vintage Port declarations, how is it defined ?

Well, apart from the exceptional weather conditions that will lead to great berries and if it was declared a "Vintage Confraria" (Brotherhood Vintage), meaning that over than ten Port wine Companies have declared Vintage, also the announcement of a massive declaration by the media ( the exemple of the latest Vintage 2011, with 55 Vintages approved)...these are normally the key elements that are being used to define a classic or non classic Vintage Port declaration.

Port wine Brotherdood - it is a independent Brotherhood created in November of 1982 with its headquarters at "Palácio da Bolsa" side by side with the IVDP´s building, it is a independent organization that gathers all the Port wine Companies with a warehouse or depot at Vila Nova de Gaia.

The importance of 2011 Vintage Port

2011 Vintage Port had a incredible and wide declaration from the major Port wine brands and smaller and independent producers in the Douro valley.

The older and traditional brands have declared a full House Vintage Port, meaning that when the internationally recognized companies do it, it is obviously a classic Vintage and the market will certainly claim for these Vintages.

Most of the oenologists are amazed with the quality of this particular year, the 2011 Vintage Port shows its own identity.
In the last decade we (Port wine trade) had in general three classic Vintage declarations: 2000; 2003 and 2007.

In the field there were perfect climate conditions during the year which permitted to grow outstanding grapes; there were perfect climate conditions during the year which permitted to grow outstanding grapes; enough rainfall and equivalente hours of sun exposition to get the perfect maturation.
At our Winery, all the vinification process has been closely supervised.

2011 was followed by a year (2010) of poor and lower quality, the 2011 is the first classic Vintage of this current decade, it reminds the release of the emblematic Vintage 2000.

A Vintage declaration creates a great impact in the media, when it is released the press will write about Port, although the Vintage Port represents only 0.5% of the annual production it is crucial to increase the sales and for the image of Port in general (White; Ruby and Tawny categories).

Full of color and intense aromas, our DALVA Vintage 2011, shows an amazing elegance and freshness on both nose and palate, complexity of the fruit, raspberry conserve, floral and slightly peppered with chewy tannins.

C. da Silva and Gran Cruz Winemaker José Sousa Soares commented:

"All harvests have their particular characteristics, but what excited us in 2011 was the maturation of the red grapes, which gave colour and tannin levels higher than I had ever seen in my 24 years of making Port in the Douro. It was an early harvest: levels of phenolic compounds in the vineyards at river level developed at least two weeks ahead of normal, with a similarly early development of sugars and aroma compounds. The wines were thus rich in color and tannin, with the best showing enormous persistence and aromas of well-matured fruit. After two years of ageing and development of our Vintage Port 2011, it has a tremendous aromatic potential, with floral notes and forest fruits dominating; its exceptional body and supple tannin structure give a long and exuberant palate.”

Jorge Dias, General Manager of C. da Silva and Gran Cruz added:

“We are very excited about the quality and potential of 2011 Vintage. This is one of those years that justify saying that Vintage Port is a gift of the Gods, reflecting the essence of the terroir of the Douro region, and it is a long time since we have seen such a classic Vintage. In the troubled times in which we live, we believe this represents great value for money.”


C. da Silva declares Vintage 2011


C. da Silva (Vinhos) S.A., is delighted to announce the declaration of its 2011 Vintage Ports. After nearly two years of carefully nurturing the best lotes from this outstanding viticultural year we have produced a blend which we believe will stand comparison with the best Vintage declarations of the last 20 years. The blend contains a high proportion of the classic variety Touriga Nacional, complemented with field-blended fruit from old vineyards which adds complexity and personality. Sourced principally from vineyards on the south bank of the River Douro above Pinhão, the wine demonstrates the extraordinary structure which characterizes the best from this year.

Winemaker, José Sousa Soares, commented:
“All harvests have their particular characteristics, but what excited us in 2011 was the maturation of the red grapes, which gave colour and tannin levels higher than I had ever seen in my 24 years of making Port in the Douro. It was an early harvest: levels of phenolic compounds in the vineyards at river level developed at least two weeks ahead of normal, with a similarly early development of sugars and aroma compounds. The wines were thus rich in color and tannin, with the best showing enormous persistence and aromas of well-matured fruit. After two years of ageing and development of our Vintage Port 2011, it has a tremendous aromatic potential, with floral notes and forest fruits dominating; its exceptional body and supple tannin structure give a long and exuberant palate.”
Jorge Dias, General Manager of C. da Silva (Vinhos) SA, added:
“We are very excited about the quality and potential of 2011 Vintage. This is one of those years that justify saying that Vintage Port is a gift of the Gods, reflecting the essence of the terroir of the Douro region, and it is a long time since we have seen such a classic Vintage. In the troubled times in which we live, we believe this represents great value for money.”
The 2011 Vintage will be available from July 2013, under the brands DALVA and PRESIDENTIAL, in 75 cl bottles and large formats such as magnums, double magnums and imperials.

The last bottles of Golden White 1952

Hello Port Lovers,

As you all know the amazing Golden White 1952 / Dalva Colheita is arriving to the end (unfortunately) less than 120 liters. A myth ! The first White Port Colheita that really changed the way that people used to look to White Port.

Golden White 1952 oak cask...the last of a classic !

White Port was considered the baseline of Port wines range, used for a cocktail or mixed with tonic water, as Port tonic, in a tumbler with a lemon slice and a mint leaf...refreshing but not respected.


The DALVA Golden White 1952 is undoubtedly the White Ports flagship, turning the page of a old book in people´s mind.
Decades of evaporation have concentrated this extraordinary wine almost to an essence.

UNIC and RARE in this category.
Made exclusively with white grapes.
Nowadays C. da Silva Cellar only makes the Dalva Golden White 1952 bottling by request, allowing the continuity ageing process of the Golden White in the unique oak cask.
It presents us with a outstanding " bouquet", dry fruit shell, nougat, honey, caramel, vanilla, toffee, smoke, tobacco and iodine... Toasted with an amazing silky texture...

“ Fantastically balanced with flavours of nuts, orange peel, sweet spice and caramel. It's complex, exciting, delicious and really intense. Perfect with Dundee Cake.”

Quoted from the International Wine Challenge judges.

This is probably the last chance to get this legendary Port !

(For further informations: wineshop@cdasilva.pt or visit us at http://www.cdasilva.pt/ )

To the rest of the world...

Based in Vila Nova de Gaia, since 1926, our cellars were the key that opened the door to export.

Here we held more than thirty regional representations that ensured the distribution of a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, such as Port Wines, Aged Brandy, sparkling wines, red table wines and Rosé.

2900 seasoned oak casks ageing a unique Port wine

Initially our customers were from the other side of the Atlantic, namely Brazil and USA, where our company had privileged contacts.
For the american market we have another brand, Presidential, altough it is the same Port wine, we are using a diferent name and packaging too.
The annualy overall sales about 3,500,000 bottles, our wide range of White and Colheita Ports have a significant importance.

With sales increasing and a perpetual desire to achive better quality. C. da Silva invested more than 2.500.000€ in the vinification center , at Alvações do Corgo, between 1998/99.
Nowadays 14 millions euros on the construction of a winery and a depot for logistics and storing, at Sanfins do Douro

The vineyards are situated in the demarcated region of the Douro valley, the Port wine´s cradle, the wines are produced under truly exceptional conditions on terraces.
To assure a great quality control we are keeping the tradition of purchasing the grapes from small grape growers.

Although produced and processed from grapes harvested 119 kms northeast from Oporto city, the Port Wine matures in Vila Nova de Gaia, where most of the Port wine traders have their Cellars and headquarters.

Our company, C. da Silva (Vinhos) SA has been blessed with a real charismatic mansion surrounded by gardens in the downtown. A mansion dated from the beginning of the 20th century coated with a brazilian style where we hope in a very near future to open its doors to tourism, altough our facilities aren´t huge, there are 10,000 square meters with traditional details that are being used as a shelter to 8,000,000 liters... it is in short a real cosy atmosphere.

The yeast... how important is it ?

A key element, very important in the wine making process, is the yeast. And why is it so important, although measuring 0.003 mm,? Because this live micro-organism transforms the fructose in the grape ethanol, the alcohol present in the wine.

It works in temperatures between 10 ° C and 35 ° C, the higher is the temperature, the faster is the fermentation.
Yeast are all the same ?
No. The yeast that lives in a vineyard of white grape veritals is a different one of the one living in a vineyard of red grape varietals. They are all different, depending of the country or region.

And what are the best?
They all provide different aromas and it is the winemaker that must to choose according to each style or the House goal.
Once that the grapes arrived to the winery, the winemaker has two options: rely on indigenous yeast which is adapted to the local terroir forever, or use a yeast, which most likely originates from another region, possibly in another country, and that was developed in the laboratory to carry out the fermentation in a certain direction of aromas and flavors.

In the Douro region there are two scenarios, depending on whether we are talking about Port Wine or DOC Douro (still wine)...in general for Port wine the quantity is reduced when it takes on using selected yeasts. On the other hand, and contrary to Port wine, for Douro DOC wines, a generous number of producers of quality wines have been using selected yeasts.

The fact that, within the same region, have a type of wine made with foreign yeast and other with indigenous is not surprising given the history of wine.
The Port is a world reference, it has been is copied and falsified in many wine regions of the world.

But due to the uinque weather and soil characteristics together with a long portuguese know-how of the grape growers, the winemakers, the cellars masters, passing from generation to generation since the 17th century, nowhere in the world can make a wine as fantastic as the Port that is in the Douro.
Port Wine winemakers believe that the best yeast for Port wine is the one that is found in the vineyards.

Port wine... how important is it ?

Port wine was, and is, a key product for the National economy and even more a symbolic asset that represents Port througout the world.

The designation Port wine appeared during the second half of the 17th century due to an incredible expansion of Douro viticulture and a rapid growth in wine exports.

It all began in 1680, on that time there were political diferences between the french prime minister, Colbert and King Charles II from UK.

These political diferences led both countries to the Augsburg battle in 1688, forcing the british royalty to send merchants seeking for alternative wine sources, Italy, Spain but most of all the North of Portugal.

As the brithish people´s taste started to become more sofisticated, the merchants went into the core of the Douro valley where the quality was amazing.

In 1703 the Methuen treaty, for the wine exports Portugal was paying 2/3 of the exportation fees to U.K. while on the other hand Portugal was buying the textiles from the british.

Between 1710 and 1740, the Port era, the ships departed from Porto, that was a very important seaport located in the mouth of the Douro river heading towards England and abroad.
In England there were merchants with wagons pulled by horses waiting to load the oak casks, afterwards they would go to the castles and in the private cellars or warehouses the merchants staff would made the bottling.
Port was not a nobility drink, people drank Port in the taverns with a mug directly from the casks.

Elderberry and sugar were added to wine and everyone wanted to become a grape grower, so the quality decreased.
In order to stop with a lack of both quality and territorial coordination, in 1756 the portuguese prime minister, the Marquis de Pombal, ordered the distribution of 335 milestones along 250.000 hects.

Nowadays there are 45700hects cultivated and 39100 grape growers, Port is strictly controlled by the Port wine Institute inspectors and thousands of chemical analysis annualy made, before each Port producer gets the bottling approval.

Most important grapes at the Douro Valley

There is a wide range of grape varietals in the Demarcated Douro region, in the north of Portugal.
These grape varietals have been adapted to different climate conditions, and micro-climates... the terroir ability to offer optimal conditions to wines.

The native varietals have been grafted with different types of rootstocks since that philoxera (pest that destroyed most of the vineyards all over Europe) reached to Portugal in 1865.
This process has been done according to their compatibility with different types of roots and the characteristics of the soil in which the vines were planted.
The cultivation of the different types of vines is regulated by a Decret-Law, that lists all the authorized varietals, the recommended ones and percentages.

Nowadays, winemakers and oenologues have opted for five red grapes varietals ( Touriga Nacional, Touriga Francesa, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão, Tinta Barroca...)

Touriga Nacional

Touriga Nacional - It is the premier grape varietal in the Douro valley, considered a primary grape in the Port Blend. The tiny grapes presents us with very high tanins (therefore it confers an amazing age hability to wines), offering a great colour and structure. It has aromas/flavors of black fruits, violets and elegant tints of herbs and licorice. It is a low yielding grape.

Tinta Roriz
Tinta Roriz - (aka Tempranillo in Spain) Aromas/flavors of resin, raspberry, cherry and spices (brambly character). Thanks to its thick rind it may be planted in the hotter areas, where the sun exposition is more intense.

Touriga Francesa
Touriga Francesa or Franca - It is a high yielding grape varietal, it was brought to Portugal in the 11th century and it is a descendant of the Pinot Noir. It provides complexity and elegance to the blend, although less coloured and lighter. Floral aromas and flavors of blackberry, with silky tanins. Very important for the wine ageing... it would reach its potential with a dry and hot climate.

Tinta Barroca
Tinta Barroca - A very resistant grape varietal, maybe planted in the cooler areas, like for example, on the top of the slopes turned to north. flavors and aromas of plums and cherry. If picked with a good maturation, would have a great potential for high alcohol and sugar. It provides a lingering finish. High yielding grape.

Tinto cão
Tinta cão - The less used for the Port blend (the less planted too). It has a great balance in terms of sugar, tanins and acidity.
Even if a low yielding grape it offers floral aromas, fresh acidity, velvety texture and very rich and dense wines, with finesse.

APPETITEASIA.COM... "The sommelier recommends..."

Dry Whites single path !

The reason of using the expression "Distinctive Port" in all our labels is that since the very beginning this Company tried to depart from the others.

Aged in very old french oak barrels, showing very intense and persistent aromas and flavors, on the mouth, elegant and unctuous... a unique style and market targeting:

The single Dry White Ports range in the Port wine trade:

Dry White
3 YO Dry White
The Dalva Dry White ages during three years and is quite floral, with a lot of citrus on the nose, it is a light Port wine, slightly bitter at the end, should be tasted very chilled.

Optionally can be enjoyed with a lemon slice, or as a long drink with tonic water.

Port tonic or long drink
2 / 3 tonic water
1 / 3 of Dalva Dry White
1 slice of lemon or a mint leaf

Dry White Reserve
7 YO Dry White Reserve
The Dalva Dry White Reserve, blending dry white with an average of seven years old, therefore the golden straw color, making it a gourmet Port.
The floral and dry apricots notes of this drier style will be enhanced when accompanied by delicious gourmet combinations.
Dalva Dry White Reserve can still be enjoyed simple, with a serving temperature that will vary between 10ºC and 12ºC.

10 Years Dry White
10 YO Dry White

The Dalva 10 Years Old Dry White, has a golden color, elegant aromas of ripe tangerine and dry fruits in a delayed aftertaste. On the mouth it reveals a freshness and a distinctive medium-dry finish, the profile that calls for the Dalva 10 Years Old Dry White as an aperitif Port wine before a meal.

15 YO Dry White
During 20 years, the Chef Miguel Castro e Silva has participated in Port wine tastings, experiencing combinations with this nectar, always trying to depart from the classical dessert.

After an extensive tasting discovering the vast stock of C. da Silva, arose the idea of creating a White Port with dry and open profile, thought to act as a balm, with a unique structure and color, an amber color with golden tints, highlights its potential when tasted with foie gras, orange cake and tuna based entrees.

Thought to taste at the table, but not only, DALVA Lote Miguel Castro Silva shows qualities of a Port wine thought to a simple tasting, served between 12º to 14º as an aperitif before a meal.


20 Years Dry White
20 YO Dry White


Dalva 20 Years Old Dry White is a pioneer on presenting a 20 years Dry White, with a lower sugar content (dry white). Deep amber color, unctuous, with a pleasant fresh acidity and elegance in the aftertaste.
An aperitif Port wine, accompanying a foie gras, but also, thanks to the long aging, an outstanding digestif, served with an almond tart or just plain.

The location of the Port Wine cellars.

The Port / Port wine cellars are definitely the most precious gem(s) that Gaia offers to the world.
The so famous Port wine cellars are located in the riverside area of ​​Vila Nova de Gaia, in the parish of Santa Marinha.
The Port cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia are not merely an extension of the Douro.
The secret of aging the precious nectar in barrels, in darkness and humidity of the cellars covered with dust, a unique and genuine atmosphere that only age can confer.

C. da Silva´s cellar
The caves have been around for centuries being the depots for export of wines from the Douro valley to British and Dutch customers.
In the early 17th century directly from the Douro valley, but with the wine volumes traded increasing exponentially there was a need to seek new storage places along the Douro river.
The Ribeira de Gaia has provided the perfect solution for that issue.
The headquarters of the companies, however, would be a few more decades on this side of the river, as close to New Street from the British, today Rua do Infante, then the commercial and financial center of Porto city.

The Douro River flows from the province of Soria, on the peaks of the Sierra de Urbião in Spain, 2080 meters of altitude.
Until you get to the mouth in Porto city, the Douro river slides along 850 kilometers of narrow and deep channels.
Popular voices say that the river´s name "Douro" lays is origin in a unique
color that occurred especially in rainy times... a golden color.
But some say that in the slopes were found rhinestones that would be gold.
In short the portuguese meaning for something made of gold - de ouro or the contraction douro.
The construction of dams has allowed the river to stay calmer, encouraging tourism boat tours.

At the mouth of the Douro river separates the city of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia (where the cellars are located) and is crossed by six bridges.

The overwhelming majority of cellars are situated on the slopes of Vila Nova de Gaia between two bridges, Dom Luís and Arrábida.
Although there are others slightly distant, like C. da Silva, located near the downtown, it is crucial being well located, so... we have nowadays a mandatory place situated at the riverside a few meters from the Dom Luís bridge... C. da Silva´s Port & Wine shop... it definitely worth any effort to visit us.

C. da Silva´s Port & Wine shop
The Cellars, sanctified by time, form a indispensable component of the Douro and Port Wine soul.

Moscatel...the origins... where it is produced...when to drink it ?

The Moscatel wines, such like Port is a fortified wine.
Altough it is a great wine by itself, Moscatel is mainly a dessert wine produced in the Douro valley and in the Setúbal region.

Like Port there are different aged Moscatel, with different levels of complexity. "Moscatel" is the name that has been given to a group of grapes with high sugar content, it is common that the residual sugar per liter is about 140grms/liter.

DALVA Moscatel (blending Moscatel with an average of five years old)

Setúbal is located just south of Lisbon. The region was recognized as a D.O.C. (Denomination of Controlled Origin) in 1907. The Setúbal and Douro regions have the right conditions to produce some of the best fortified wines from the Moscatel (Muscat) grapes.

Other countries that are very famous for their Moscatel: France (Muscat); Italy (Moscato); Spain (Moscatel), Brasil (Moscatel) and South Africa (Muscat).

In 2011 a portuguese Moscatel was considered the number one worldwide, competing with over 200 different samples from France; Italy, Spain, Brasil and South Africa.

It is interesting to know that in general the Moscatel is used as a dessert wine, but in Portugal there some locations where people use 20cl miniatures of Moscatel mixed with beer, quite refreshing and used normally as an aperitif.

Mayson´s Top Wines

The Wines and fortified Wines magazine "Decanter" in England, launched the latest edition, January 2013.

One of the most relevant articles was written by Richard Mayson, English writer of wines, highly recognized internationally, specialising in wines from Spain and Portugal, Port Wine, Madeira and Sherry.

For Richard Mayson, the choice is clear with regard to Aged Tawnies, being his preferred the Tawny 20 Years Old.

The assessment of 20 Years Old Tawny was extensive, eighteen 20 Years Old Tawny made part of the tasting, leaving our DALVA 20 Years Old with the outstanding and better evaluation, rated with 19.5 points.